
Showing posts from January, 2022

Berkenaan bapa U (YIP KUM FOOK, MCA GOMBAK) bertiga, Empat Isteri dan kaya, itu hal U sendiri, Mengapa U cuba Menbangkitkan Nama NABI MUHAMMAD S.A.W. bagi menburukkan nama kebaikannya. U cuba ingat memalukan Muslim? Yip Jiun Hann, U bukan Muslim kami harap jangan menyetul hal Agama Muslim dan kebaikan NABI MUHAMMAD S.A.W. Kalau tidak kami akan ajar U seperti perkara yang terjadi di U.S.A

  Ketua Belia MCA Gombak YIP JIUN HANN, Berkenaan bapa U (YIP KUM FOOK, MCA GOMBAK) bertiga, Empat Isteri dan kaya, itu hal U sendiri, Mengapa U cuba Menbangkitkan Nama NABI MUHAMMAD S.A.W. bagi menburukkan nama kebaikannya. U cuba ingat memalukan Muslim? Yip Jiun Hann, U bukan Muslim kami harap jangan menyetul hal Agama Muslim dan kebaikan NABI MUHAMMAD S.A.W. Kalau tidak kami akan ajar U seperti perkara yang terjadi di U.S.A Kami Yang Benar, RAKYAT GOMBAK MCA Youth chief Gombak YIP JIUN HANN, Concerned father U (YIP KUM FOOK, Gombak MCA) three, four wives and rich, the case U itself, Yip Jiun Hann, U are not Muslims we please don't touch of Muslim's religion and the good thing Prophet MUHAMMAD S.A.W. Why U try generate name of PROPHET MUHAMMAD S.A.W. for bad name of benefits. U try to remember the shameful of Muslim? If not, we'll teach U such things happen in the USA Our sincerely, PEOPLE GOMBAK



YIP KUM FOOK is a rebellious person and Rebellious is an adjective that describes someone who opposes or breaks the Buddhist monastic rules

  YIP KUM FOOK is a rebellious person and Rebellious is an adjective that describes someone who opposes or breaks the Buddhist monastic rules. ... Such an act may be characterized as rebellion, but rebellion is more commonly used to describe a person or action that violates Buddhist rules, instead of challenging the status of Buddhist teachings YIP KUM FOOK brings the Buddhist monk out of the Temple, calls the Malay police to harass the monk in the Temple because he thinks the temple belongs to him… This YIP KUM FOOK will be the enemy of the Buddha forever in this life and the next life Last time we were committee members at SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE and the founding group but when YIP KUM FOOK became the temple president, he removed us from the members without informing us anything YIP KUM FOOK ialah seorang yang derhaka dan Rebellious ialah kata sifat yang menggambarkan seseorang yang menentang atau melanggar peraturan monastik Buddha. ... Perbuatan sedemikian mungkin disif...

YIP KUM FOOK, president of SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE, Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, YIP KUM FOOK has never embarrassed people about him always lying, cheating, insulting Buddhist teachings, etc.

  Please share and forward to all friends We would like to inform everyone about YIP KUM FOOK, president of SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE, Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, YIP KUM FOOK has never embarrassed people about him always lying, cheating, insulting Buddhist teachings, etc. Recently, many people talked about his character, before this he was a truck driver who sent furniture everywhere, then he studied law courses at several universities but we did not know he study courses or not because he did not know the law, he cheated people everywhere. and how lawyers can deceive people without fear of the law Hope everyone should care about this name YIP KUM FOOK (LAWYER OR MCA GOMBAK CHAIRMAN AND PRESIDENT OF SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE), also need to share and forward to all. If you make a mistake, you will lose everything, this man or YIP KUM FOOK is very dangerous and his son (YIP JIUN HANN) is also the most dangerous. By KOK MENG, KEPONG   Sila kongsi dan majukan...


  GOMBAK MCA CHIEF LAWRENCE YIP JUIN HANN KUALA LUMPUR – The Barisan Nasional (BN) linchpin cannot go it alone despite certain circles in Umno thinking otherwise, said a MCA man.   Gombak MCA chief Lawrence Yip Juin Hann said BN component parties have their own techniques in managing issues related to the races they seek to represent, and no party is less significant than the other. “Umno cannot go ahead without MCA and MIC as it is very stupid and silly for any political party to say ‘oh, I can do it myself without your help’,” he said in an interview with The Vibes.   He added that such pride would only bring disaster to a political party. Taking stock of the current situation, Yip admitted several divisions in BN component parties are facing problems, but efforts are being made to maintain harmony. He said Umno, MIC, and MCA lack interaction and communication, and only come to life when elections are around the corner.   “Some divisions have issues i...

We would like to inform our Buddhist about Yip Kum Fook who is president of SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST ASSOCIATION, Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

  Share with Buddhists in Malaysia and around the world. We would like to inform our Buddhist about Yip Kum Fook who is president of SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST ASSOCIATION, Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He is planning to turn the SAMNAK SAMBODHI into a Mahayana temple. but was not successful as some committees died without any illnesses, Yip Kum Fook rebelled against Buddhists all the time. Yip kum Fook is a stubborn, dirty-minded man who is always angry with his son (Yip Jiun Han). His son is now insane and unconscious. When we are at the SAMNAK SAMBODHI, the son always comes to talk with us about family. We know that this is a kind of karma, fluent. please research on internet or google about Yip Kum Fook to know more details and we are Buddhists need to protect our Buddha words.  We know this SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE we have seldom worked hardly before. PLEASE SHARE WITH EVERYONE. BY NG BENG HOCK

Gombak party chief Lawrence Yip Jiun Hann

Image [VIDEO] Umno cannot go it alone in BN: MCA man Gombak party chief Lawrence Yip tells coalition leaders to remedy communication issues between component parties before next GE share by ng beng hock


  Orang yang baik hati dalam Dharma Saya ingin menggunakan bahasa ini untuk menyebarkan pengalaman pahit yang sebenarnya berlaku dalam Persatuan Penganut Buddha, no: 19-21 JLAN 38 TAMAN DESA JAYA KEPONG 52100 KUALA LUMPUR atau SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE Saya membenci presiden MCA Bahagian Gombak (Yip Kum Fook) dan Presiden Persatuan Paderi Buddha (Yip Kum Fook) kerana mereka menggunakan kaedah keji dan angkuh untuk memimpin sekumpulan orang dari tempat lain. memprovokasi dan memijak keramat Tanpa alasan munasabah untuk memanggil polis menahan seorang sami dan sami-sami lain sehingga dia dihina oleh penganut Buddha. Saya dengan ini bertanya, apakah dosa berat yang dilakukan oleh Peguam Yip Kum Fook sehingga Encik Yip Kum Fook ini, melalui peguam atau penjenayah, memanggil polis untuk memenjarakan rahib seperti beliau? Saya dating dari Pulau Pinang Saya berehat sementara di Persatuan Buddha(Samnak suriyo) untuk Persekutuan untuk belajar dan mempelajari amalan Dharma sema...


  Dear people who are benevolent in the Dharma I would like to use this language to spread the bitter experience that actually happened in the Buddhist Association of Buddhists, Nos. 19-21 JLAN 38 TAMAN DESA JAYA KEPONG 52100 KUALA LUMPUR. Malaysia I resent the president of the MCA Gombak Division (Yip Kum Fook) and the President of the Buddhist Association (Yip Kum Fook) because they used a vile and arrogant method to lead a group of people from other places. to provoke and trample on the sacred Without a reasonable reason to call the police to detain a monk until he is humiliated by Buddhists. I hereby ask, what serious sin did Lawyer Yip Kum Fook commit to the extent that Mr. Yip Kum Fook, by means of lawyers or by criminals, called the police to imprison a monk like him? i am from Penang I'm a took a temporary break at the Buddhist Association for Fellowships to study and learn Dharma practice while at the temple I couldn't stand the behaviour of lawyer Yip Kum Fook...

Everyone can type YIP KUM FOOK in internet or GOOGLE and everything will see what happened to YIP KUM FOOK. Please he has many high court cases.

  To proclaim to Buddhists in Malaysia Yip Kum Fook (Gombak MCA) did a lot of bad things for SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE in Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong. As he removed the monks out of the temple, he told his men to close the temple doors, all of them(monks) had to leave because have exercised power in this measure Yip Kum Fook was the president of this temple because the other president (Ah Chia), then Ah Chia, and the committee members left and then set up a new committee. He used his power to play politics in the temple until now the temple has never peaceful On the other hand, his son (Yip Jiun Hann) would often say to the monks and devotees, this temple is my father's temple. And this temple belongs to my father. Maybe his father to teach him that to his son Everyone can type YIP KUM FOOK in internet or GOOGLE and everything will see what happened to YIP KUM FOOK. Please he has many high court cases.   Untuk mengisytiharkan kepada penganut Buddha di...





They are trying to tell us to support Donald lim Siang Chai, if this group wins in the MCA party, I am sure the MCA party will sink forever in Malaysia

  Please share to all Malaysian MCA Members, Some MCA leaders such as YIP KUM FOOK (lawyer, MCA Gombak) and Yip Jiun Hann (MCA Gombak youth) are immoral and their names are very bad in Selangor. Especially in Kepong, Selayang, Rawang and other places, such as eating money SAMNAK SAMBODHI, DESA JAYA, KEPONG, damaging other people's families …… ..behaving so badly. They are trying to tell us to support Donald lim Siang Chai, if this group wins in the MCA party, I am sure the MCA party will sink forever in Malaysia Don't fall into the trap, support Dr. Wee Ka Siong SAMNAK SAMBODHI COMMITTEES

Mereka sangat jahat dan hatinya hitam(kejam), sanggup menipu wang wanita, merosak keluarga orang lain dan sendirinya memakan wang Temple, SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE, NO: 19 JALAN 38 TAMAN DESA JAYA, KEPONG, KUALA LUMPUR, dan berpura-pura merepot ke polis resit hilang.........harap perhatian

  Kepada seluruh rakyat Malaysia yang dihormati, Dengan hormatnya sini, Kami ingin memaklumkan bahawa “MCA GOMBAK” YIP KUM FOOK(YIP KUM FOOK & ASSOCIATES, HIS CAR NUMBER PMC 898) LOW MEI LAN(ISTERI) dan anak mereka YIP JIUN HANN yang berjalan tugas sebagai lawyer di alamat : NO. 2A & 2B, 2ND FLOOR JALAN 53, DESA JAYA KEPONG 52100 KUALA LUMPUR & LOT 3.55, KOMPLEKS DESA BATU 8, JALAN KEPONG 52100 KUALA LUMPUR (YIP JIUN HANN & ASSOCIATES) Harap semua rakyat Malaysia mengambil perhatian dan jauhkan orang yang tersebut kerana jangan terkena tipu Mereka sangat jahat dan hatinya hitam(kejam), sanggup menipu wang wanita, merosak keluarga orang lain dan sendirinya memakan wang Temple, SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE, NO: 19 JALAN 38 TAMAN DESA JAYA, KEPONG, KUALA LUMPUR, dan berpura-pura merepot ke polis resit hilang.........harap perhatian Sekian dimaklumkan, Terima Kasih SAMNAK SAMBODHI COMMITTEES KAMI HANTAR MESEJ INI SEBAB RAMAI ORANG KENA TIPU DAN PEMINTASAN DI KEPONG.....

SHARING MESSAGES BY MAYANMAR GROUPS ABOUT YIP KUM FOOK AT SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE, TAMAN DESA JAYA, KEPONG..... Dear Sir and Madam, We are Myanmar group in Malaysia; we lived in Malaysia over decade and always went to one of SAMNAK SAMBODHI Buddhist temple in Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur and we were very sad and regretting with the committees of temple because they are using our monks in wrong conception of Buddhist teaching or Buddhist rules. We came to temple to help our monks and respected of our religion. That temple is president of name: YIP KUM FOOK(lawyer), that our monks said and he is invited our monks from Myanmar to in charge of that temple but without pay anything to our monks, added he and his not respecting of our monks and sometime he ordered of his people to collected item such as paper, mineral water etc. without inform any words to our monks. In our religious believed we can’t take anything of holy place, if we done we are sin. In pervious, our monk said the committees always asked money from him, when our monks gave RM20,000.00 in cash on 2001 to the committees, then committees keep silent, later committees make problem with our monk again and cancelled of our monk Visa permit to stayed in Malaysia, then our monk, Sadayaw Nandiya) go to Australia and our monk not come that temple at long time. “YIP KUM FOOK gave our monk notebook computer for to cover of that amount of money our monk said” Many local people around temple said, now no more people come to this temple because committees is always make problem and we are heard from local people said: YIP KUM FOOK ordered of his people to put fire of Hindu temple at Taman Daya, Kepong because he needed that place to make his business about many years ago. “Everybody known what he done for Hindu temple at Taman Daya, Kepong” Last time also he invited police to arrest the monks at holy place(temple) and locked the temple without afraid and shameful of people because he believed committee is big and has more authority, also his son always says to people: this temple is belonging of his father. “This temple donated from public, we are work hard for this temple” This temple the committees always changed the monks, now they change the new monk to in charge of temple, this new monk also complaint the bad things of committees because committees also wait for donation box only, they without help anything to our monks. And committees controlled of our monks not to talk more or complaint more, our monks lived there as slaver and afraid of committees’ members. In new building where remaining of Buddha statue marble; we have renovation of Buddha statue because that Buddha statue is put very low, we lift to highest the committees don’t like and unhappy. In our country, anyone be able to come temple to worship the Buddha but in Malaysia is different temple controlling by committees. We hope everyone preserve of Buddhist teachings, and please safety of our monks, not see only money as this of temple. When we asked some of our people (Myanmar) and local people, the committees are very low of idea because is very narrow mind and without education of religions. And committees will not be disturbing of our monks, monks are like our father to take care of Buddhism and temple is like our place of resolving of our problem. Recently, our monk (Sadayaw Ashin Indaka original from Madalay, Myanmar) has been staying in this temple also unhappy because the committees are not pay anything to him, he is working in hardly to advise people and we also unhappy and very sad when heard the bad news from our monks. Sometime the committees people came and shouting in the temple without have any reason and done what they need to do, our monk said, the committees of this temple don’t have Buddhist teachings in their mind, may be next time Buddhist can destroy. From Myanmar Buddhist group in Malaysia but many word complaint by local Buddhist community in Malaysia.